The Dirigo Vintage Base Ball Club is a non-profit, educational and living history organization dedicated to preserving and promoting the game of Base Ball as it was played during its formative years in the mid-nineteenth century and other historic eras.
Portland Press: Baseball, 1860's Style
Dirigo featured on WMUR in New Hampshire
NPR: The Curious World Of Baseball Re-Enactors
Washington Post:In Gettysburg, vintage baseball teams recreate a 19th-Century League of their own
CBS News:Baseball Goes Vintage
Roger McCord - Dirigo v Ipswich:Pentengill Farm, Freeport, Maine 2014
Dirigo Vintage Base Ball Club featured in the
May issue of Downeast Magazine
Visit our national organization at http://www.vbba.org.
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Please contact us at jacob.newcomb@gmail.com